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SU: 12 - 4 pm
Holidays: Oct 7th - Oct 22nd
Photos, Thoughts, Recipes – impressively portrayed by Michael Wissing, Fotodesigner BFF. Volume: 224 pages, Format: 230 x 310 cm. ISBN: 978-3-033-04776-1 | © 2014
Exclusively available in the restaurant or the Online-Shop as well as at authorized partners. With personal signature on demand – please simply note when ordering.
Prize: 75.00 CHF
„As spectacular as the book appears, as less forced it actually is. “I am how I am”, Zandonella says, “ and I stand by myself.“ In memory of the delicious food in this very special restaurant one knows what he means. Great that there are such cooks in such restaurants. They vitalize the scene tremendously. A very good book due to the unusual aesthetic (the photos were taken by Michael Wissing) and the extraordinary cuisine.”
Let him be as he is
„Rico Zandonella once took over an excellent restaurant at the fine Zurich lake. He turned it into one of the most fancy places of the gastronomic world. He offers only a few interesting insights in his new book.”
„Yesterday, Rico Zandonella, the colourful as well as down-to-earth Chef of Rico’s Kunststuben Restaurant, presented his first book. It was as offbeat as the cook himself. There are some recipes in his colourful illustrated book, but it is not a cookbook in its own sense. It is available directly in the restaurant (or online) as well as at Globus. Some impressions of the private view and, naturally, of the book.”